The White Candle Conspiracy

Building the global network of spiritual resistance

8 min readJan 20, 2025

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
— Martin Luther King, Jr.

January 20, 2025

Dear friends,

We are entering a time of darkness and chaos.

It is quite fitting that on this brutally cold, dark and ugly day, many of us are celebrating the life of a man who brought a powerful and eloquent message of love, nonviolence, and justice to the world — a message that is perhaps more important now than ever.

We are entering a time that will test our patience, our strength, and our precious energy in ways we cannot predict.

The chaos will be shocking. The agents of chaos aim to throw us off balance, to leave us broken, helpless, hopeless, and defeated.

We cannot allow that to happen. We will not allow that to happen.

The key to resisting the oncoming darkness and chaos is to keep our inner strength and resolve burning brightly.

Resistance begins within, and we must fortify and strengthen ourselves to do the necessary work. And the work will be hard. Dr. King knew this, too — and he ultimately gave his life for the struggle. “The road to freedom must be uphill, even if it is arduous and frustrating,” he said. “Out of this crucible of service, a creative specialist in social change must emerge.”

The time we live in calls us to become those creative specialists in the service of social change. But we can’t do that necessary work if we are beaten down, hopeless, exhausted, or overwhelmed.

We must hold fast to the spiritual light within us, and support each other to get through the darkest hours.

The ritual I am sharing is a means of keeping the light of love and hope alive and burning fiercely inside of us, and spreading that vital spiritual light across a global, expanding our network of awakened and compassionate human hearts.

Make no mistake, though — this is not some delusional and toothless self-help fantasy, or a way to pretend everything is going to be okay. We can’t push back against the darkness by just wishing it away. We will need to do what Dr. King called the arduous and frustrating work ahead—the marches, protests, boycotts, emailing, phone calls, and other practical but necessary actions. But we need the inner strength to do it well and effectively.

This ritual, which I am calling the White Candle Conspiracy, is a way to keep your inner spiritual fire burning against the darkness and to reinforce our community. It is simple, but its power lies in its simplicity. Do not be tempted to dismiss it until you have performed it.

It is, like all the rituals I create, ecumenical — this one even more so than most, because I want it to be appealing and accessible to those of all spiritual paths and traditions.

And it is a conspiracy, an invisible network of conspirators for the forces of light, but one that is “a secret hidden in the open.” More about that below, but the idea is that you can keep this candle out in the open in your home, in a spot where it is innocent-looking but immediately recognizable for those with eyes to see.

This will be a core practice, a daily affirmation of principles and connection to the global network in resistance to authoritarianism and fascism. It is also a tool to maintain your energy, positivity, determination, and focus. Other rituals, for more specific purposes, will be shared in the days ahead. Malefica may be practiced for specific aims, but due to the nature of the times, those workings will be shared mouth-to-ear, or sub rosa (not publicly).

The White Candle Conspiracy (v. 1.0)

Components: A plain white pillar-style candle. Get one as wide and tall as you can find.

Preparation: Place the white candle in a conspicuous spot in your home and on a fireproof surface. This is not a candle to be placed on your altar, but rather anywhere you might normally put a decorative candle — on your dinner table, mantel, coffee table, etc. The more you can see it during your time in your home, the better. If you want to dress the candle or otherwise “activate it,” feel free to do so. But your daily intention and ritual will activate and empower it.

Timing: At night, preferably around 9 p.m. in your time zone if possible. The goal is to create a mass ritual that rolls across the planet every evening.


  1. Each evening, sit or stand before the candle, in the recommended timeframe when possible (9 p.m.), either alone or with other participants. If possible, darken the room.
  2. Close your eyes and take a few calming, centering breaths.
  3. Open your eyes. Light the candle, and say:

I am a candle in the darkness.
Where I am, there are many, and together we are one.

(As you say the words above, visualize the earth, as a globe, in the darkness of night, centered on North America if you live there, otherwise on your continent. Suddenly, white lights flare up in the darkness, more and more, rolling from east to west across the continent, and then covering the entire planet. Beams of light branch out and connect to each bright glowing individual flame of consciousness, like a giant web, until the planet is connected, enmeshed, and glowing.)

Then say:

I shine the light of freedom against the darkness of tyranny

I shine the light of knowledge against the darkness of ignorance

I shine the light of truth against the darkness of lies

I shine the light of peace against the darkness of war

I shine the light of tolerance against the darkness of bigotry

I shine the light of compassion against the darkness of violence

I shine the light of love against the darkness of hate

With this light, the darkness disappears

Remain sitting or standing calmly before the candle for a moment, visualizing and feeling the connection to the web of love and consciousness among people just like you — like us — encircling the planet while committing ourself to our deepest principles.

Then, when it feels appropriate, say:

So mote it be.
(Or “amen” or any other word or phrase that resonates with you)

This ends the ritual.

Leave the candle burning as long as you wish (always keeping in mind fire safety, of course).

When you feel appropriate, or before you go to bed, blow out the candle. As your breath extinguishes the flame, imagine and feel a bright, powerful flame igniting in your heart. That is your inner spiritual flame of love and resistance to darkness that you will carry always.

Notes and Additional Suggestions

On the concept of “conspiracy”

The white candle is such a common decorative item in many households that it makes a perfect “hidden in plain sight” symbol of resistance. Always visible, yet perfectly innocent. For those who live in repressive communities and are fearful of open symbols of resistance, the candle can be a daily reminder of one’s commitment to the principles of human rights, democracy, and justice, while not drawing the attention of antagonists—there is always plausible deniability.

Yet for those who are part of the conspiracy, a slight smile and nod in the direction of the candle can establish a bond of secrecy.

It is also an easy way to practice spiritual resistance if you live in a home with others who may not share your values, or may be antagonistic towards any practice of magic. You can just light the candle and recite the ritual silently, and no one will have any idea what you’re doing.

There is a special power in having a secret. Only share the purpose of your candle with those who are trustworthy and aligned with your values.

On ecumenical magic

You can view the ritual as a prayer, if you are religious, or if you are not spiritually inclined and prefer a humanistic interpretation, as an affirmation of your values and positive thinking. No matter what you believe, there is proven power and efficacy of rituals in providing hope and positivity while decreasing stress and fear. So if you share this ritual with like-minded others—and I hope you will—assure them that it can be done according to their beliefs.

Additions/alterations to the ritual

Please resist the urge to complicate the White Candle Conspiracy by adding other magical elements. It is meant to be simple and concentrated. But there are some ways to build on it without unnecessary complication, including:

  • Tracing a sigil or words on the candle with your finger
  • Adding symbolic items around the candle, especially natural items like crystals, shells, feathers. But avoid anything overtly political that would give away its purpose.
  • You can do this as a group, such as your family, or friends who are visiting.
  • When you are short on time, or if you prefer, you can shorten the ritual to just saying the principles aloud (but keep the visualization):


Sharing the magic

Please share this ritual among your networks, whether it’s your coven, prayer circle, healer network, activist group, etc. Give white candles as gifts, and send the link to this ritual or provide a printed copy to your recipient (a one-age PDF is available here).

Final thought

A reporter once asked A.J. Muste, a Dutch-born American clergyman and activist who protested against the Vietnam War, “Do you rally think you are going to change the policies of the country by standing out here alone at night in front of the White House with a candle?”

Mute replied, “Oh, I don’t do this to change the country. I do this so the country won’t change me.”

Michael M. Hughes is a writer, speaker, game designer, and magical thinker. He is the author of Magic for the Resistance: Rituals and Spells for Change, the Blackwater Lights Trilogy,as well as numerous other works of fiction and nonfiction, and he speaks and teaches classes on magic, tarot, pop culture, psychedelics, and more.

His comprehensive tarot course, The Art and Magic of the Tarot: Foundations, is available here, as well as his most recent course on Tarot Magic.

His upcoming tabletop roleplaying/party game, Rockers & Rollers, is coming to Kickstarter in March, 2025, but you can become a VIP supporter now.

Michael’s work has been featured in The New York Times, The Atlantic, The Boston Globe, CNN, The L.A. Times, Rolling Stone, Comedy Central, Wired, Elle, Vox, Cosmopolitan, The Tamron Hall Show, and even the ultraconservative The American Spectator, which wrote: “He may play footsie with the devil, but at least the man has a sense of humor.”

You can sign up for his newsletter and follow him on YouTube, Bluesky, Facebook, and (occasionally) Instagram.



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