Blue Wave 3.0: Georgia on Our Minds: January 4th Mass Ritual

8 min readJan 3, 2021


Join us January 4th, 2021 at 8pm EST as we do one final mass magical ritual to save our country!

Even if you’ve never considered doing a magical spell, your country needs you now more than ever. Here’s a ritual that is easy and powerful—share it with friends, take part, then watch as the final Blue Wave of the 2020 electoral runoff season washes away Republican control of the Senate!

Well, our November 2020 Blue Wave 2.0 spell finally washed Donald Trump out of office and into the flaming dumpster of history. Not bad! I would say 7+ million more popular votes against him is quite the success. It was, in fact, an enormous blue tsunami rejecting authoritarianism and welcoming a return to decency, democracy, and the rule of law.

So—thank you witches and magical people from around the world who helped us push this into the win column.

But now we face the final battle of this election season. And one deplorable monster in particular needs to be cast into the deepest, darkest pit.

That’s right—without taking the Senate back from the increasingly seditious, sycophantic GOP, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will have enormous difficulty fixing the chaotic mess Donald Trump has created.

Georgia, you are on all of our minds.

At 8pm EST on January 4th* 2021, witches and magical people of all faiths and spiritual paths will unite in working a ritual to push Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock to victory in the Senate runoff elections over the criminal, cretinous MAGAts David “Chicken” Perdue and Crooked Kelly Loeffler.

We’re gonna do this, but we need YOU!

*If 8pm EST doesn’t work, join any time!


  • Blue candle (I recommend a glass-enclosed novena/prayer candle, but any type of candle will do). You can print out and apply the Bind Trump sigil (symbol) to the candle if you wish.
  • Small red candle (ideally, one that has never been lit)
  • Black and white printout of the great state of Georgia (you can use the one below; right/control click, save, and print)
  • A photo of Jon Ossoff (print and use the one below or use your own)
  • A photo of Raphael Warnock (print and use the one below or use your own)
  • A photo of David Perdue (to burn)
  • A photo of Kelly Loeffler (to burn)
  • A photo of Georgia Congressman and Civil Rights icon John Lewis
  • Blue paint and brush, crayons, markers, or colored pencils. Blue paint is especially good because it is largely water.
  • Justice tarot card (or print of one)
  • Pin or nail (to inscribe candle)
  • Black marker or pencil
  • Ashtray or other flameproof container or cauldron
  • Matches or lighter


If you have an altar, use it. If you don’t have an altar, clear a quiet, private space to serve as one. A table or desk top is fine.

If you like incense, burn a fragrance that pleases you.

Use the pin or nail to inscribe the names Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock in the wax of the blue candle. If you’re using a prayer/novena candle, carve it into the top of the candle near the wick. Place the candle in a central spot on your altar.

Take the printout of the map of Georgia and place it on your altar space with your blue paints, markers, or pencils.

Sweet and clear as moonlight through the pines

Place the Justice tarot card on your altar. You can lean it up against the blue candle if you’d like.

Place the photos of Ossoff, Warnock, and John Lewis near the blue candle.

With the pin or nail, carve Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue in the red candle. If your candle is too small to carve, just say (with contempt) “You are Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue!” while holding the red candle. Place it on your altar in front of the blue candle (lying on its side is fine).

Take the photos of Loeffler and Perdue and draw an X over each of their eyes and across their mouths with the black marker. Place them together on the altar.

Prepare for ritual per your tradition (if you have one), meditate for a moment, or just take a few deep breaths to center yourself. You are now ready to begin.

Optional: as you’re preparing for the ritual and immediately afterward, play any version of Georgia On My Mind (The Ray Charles version is the classic, but Willie Nelson’s would work as well).


Light the blue candle, then say:

Hear me, oh spirits
Of Water, Earth, Fire, and Air
Heavenly hosts
and spirits of the ancestors

I call upon you
In this hour of need
And request your aid
To save my country and its people
From the grip of tyrants and evildoers

Raise a mighty blue wave, spirits
A wave of justice, and mercy, and truth
To wash away the corruption
And injustice
And wickedness
Of the Republican Party

Take your paintbrush, marker, or pencil, and begin coloring the map of Georgia. Fill it in completely with blue. During this process, visualize an enormous wave of blue water washing over and cleansing the entire state. You don’t have to be neat and color within the lines — the important thing is that you feel the powerful wave of blue voters filling in the map. Make splashy water noises. Get into it!

When you’re done turning the Georgia map blue, place it (face-up) under the blue candle.

Hold your hands out, palms facing the candle.

Water, may you wash away corruption and injustice
Earth, may you bury the rot and sickness of authoritarianism
Fire, may you fuel the desire of all good people to vote
Air, may you carry truth and honesty on your winds

Pick up the red candle.

Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, by your wickedness, you are broken
Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, by your deception, you are broken
Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, by your corruption, you are broken

Say with absolute contempt and fury:

Your power is broken!

Snap the red candle, feeling the power of the entire GOP breaking and shattering. Hear their howls of despair. Place the pieces of the red candle in front of the blue candle.

Kelly Loeffler, David Perdue, Mitch McConnell, and all Republican traitors and seditionists, you shall be ground to sand beneath the waves

Take the photos of Loeffler and Perdue and light them on fire with the blue candle. Drop them in the ashtray/cauldron and watch them burn. As they turn to ash, feel their power extinguishing.

Again, hold your hands out to the blue candle. Then say, with increasing power while visualizing a huge blue wave rising and washing over a map of Georgia:

Blue Wave, rise!
Blue Wave, wash over Georgia!
Blue Wave, cleanse!
Blue Wave, renew!

Jon Ossoff . . . RISE!
Raphael Warnock . . . RISE!

End the ritual with a prayer, clasping your hands.

May the sword of Justice prevail
May those who have embraced hate find love
May those who have gone astray
Find the path of righteousness
Forgive them, spirits
Break the chains that bind them
Open their eyes
Fill their hearts with mercy

For the sake of democracy
For the sake of the Union
For the sake of the earth
For the sake of all sentient beings

So mote it be!

Allow the blue candle to burn as long as you would like, radiating its energy, with the Ossoff, Warnock, and Lewis photos next to it. When you eventually blow it out, say “thank you.” You may hang onto these as keepsakes.

Dispose of the broken red candle remnants at a crossroads (a trash can or dumpster near a crossroads is ideal), in running water, or bury it in a desolate place. Treat it as if it’s rotten, toxic garbage.

If this sort of spiritual activism appeals to you and you’d like to do more, please consider joining with the 6,500+ (and growing) members of our Facebook group, Bind Trump (Official). The ritual will be live streamed to the group’s Facebook page, so please join us live if you can!


Michael M. Hughes is a writer, speaker, and magical thinker. His Spell to Bind Donald Trump and All Those Who Abet Him became the largest ongoing magical working in history. The ultra-conservative American Spectator said, “He may play footsie with the devil, but at least the man has a sense of humor.”

Michael is the author of Magic for the Resistance: Rituals and Spells for Change (Llewellyn Worldwide, 2018), which has been called “a rabble-rousing battle cry for magical thinkers everywhere” and “a fascinating look at how the occult arts can be used to promote progressive politics and social change.” He is also the author of the cult horror Blackwater Lights trilogy (Penguin Random House).

Magic for the Resistance: Rituals and Spells for Change is available in print and ebook from your favorite bookseller and online. If you have a local alternative/occult/Pagan/new age bookseller, please support them!

You can sign up for Michael’s newsletter, check out his YouTube channel, and follow him on Twitter and Facebook. The official Bind Trump group is also on Facebook, so if you’re looking for a group to work some magic with, that’s where you’ll find them.

Michael’s other work on Medium may be found here, and his website has links to his other books, anthologies, and essays.

Resist. Organize. Work Magic. VOTE.



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